Friday, November 23, 2012

Cate enjoyed helping cook the sides for the Thanksgiving meal while dad fried the turkey.  Due to a little mishap...the turkey and oil caught on fire. Dad immediately stopped the fire, and continued to cook the black turkey.  We decided the meat was more tender than usual, and it was very tasty.  Maybe a burned turkey isn't such a big deal after all!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

For Thanksgiving, we met Mimi and Dick Daddy in Red River.  There was a good bit of snow along Middle Fork Trail, but now in town. Instead of skiing, we decided to enjoy the cabin and visit with Mimi and Dick Daddy.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Barrow decorated his scout cake in a Gettysburg theme for the annual contest. Cate helped with the design and final decorations.
The Nutcracker Tea was sponsored for Junior LCCB members. Cate enjoyed some yummy food, fun crafts, and getting autographs from LCCB members.
While the lake's dragon was being refurbished, they enjoyed a calm ride around the lake.
 We enjoyed going to the Renaissance Fair, a Las Cruces Tradition. Cate ran into her friend Marisa and they enjoyed watching the presentation on hawks and owls.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

 A big hole was dug in the ground, the beginnings of a pool!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mom went to a meeting in Albuquerque and was away for 2 days.  Cate said that she missed her so much, she made her a cake to celebrate her coming back home!

Halloween...Cate trick or treated with her bee (Rosie) and her friend Madison.