Sunday, August 26, 2012

 Cate started horseback lessons at the Pony Patch. The first day she learned how to tell Clicker to stop, to move sideways, to trot and to run.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

It was neat to watch Finding Nemo by the poolside!

Check out the fancy artwork on her back!
Once home, we headed to Picacho Hills Country Club for a swim party.  Cate got a fancy tattoo on her back, and enjoyed swimming with friends.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The next day we cleaned up the campsite, enjoyed a few games of cards, had a wonderful meal in Ruidosa, and headed home.
After a good nights sleep, Cate had the look of Meridah, from the movie Brave.
...and drinking her "homemade cola".
Cate put on a show, eating her watermelon...
One last camping trip of the season. We pulled into Ruidosa just as the sun set.  The Pollards and Nielsens pulled in at the same time. We hurried to set up our tents, and get started on dinner.